Public Sector Updates – South

Royal Hobart Hospital (RHH)

Neonatal and Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (NPICU)

The ANMF member survey for RHH – NPICU staff remains live and has so far generated fantastic feedback. All members yet to complete the survey are encouraged to do so by 19 November 2021, 0900hrs deadline. Non-members too have the opportunity to complete the survey by writing to to request the same.

Aged Services Team (AST)

The ANMF has written formally to Tasmanian Health Service (THS) management on the subject of workload and staffing issues identified via member meetings and individual correspondence. As part of this letter the request has been made for the service to urgently re-Benchmark and review the current career structure within the unit. The original requested date of response was set for 12 November 2021, however THS has requested an extension to 19 November 2021 on account of unavailability of certain relevant stakeholders, to which the ANMF has allowed.

Acute Older Persons Unit (AOPU)

The ANMF has received multiple contacts from members working in the RHH – AOPU (Ward 2J) regarding ongoing workplace safety issues relating to daily patient care activities. The ANMF has made preliminary contact with local management in an attempt to arrange a member meeting as soon as possible and will notify members of a confirmed date/time/venue for the same once finalised. In the interim, if members continue to hold concerns, they are encouraged strongly to convey them to our Member Support Team by emailing

Outpatient Oncology Services (Ward 8A)

The ANMF has attended a Step Two Grievance Specialist Panel meeting on 8 November 2021 in the presence of THS management and accompanied by members to progress the ongoing identified workload and staffing issues within the service. The THS has given an indication of preliminary ideas for solutions which they believe will serve to better encapsulate the concerns and offer immediate relief, including a new workload monitoring methodology from the Peter Mac centre in Victoria as well as installation of a Clinical Nurse Consultant (CNC) position. The THS has additionally suggested that certain aspects of the Grievance stand to be addressed and progressed via multiple state-wide forums, several of which are scheduled to meet in the next 2-3 weeks. A follow-up meeting is scheduled for 22 November 2021, after which it is envisaged that the ANMF will seek an urgent member meeting to relay any/all outcomes directly to affected members, as well as seeking resolution for any additional measures to be undertaken within the Grievance process.

Updates correct as at 11 November 2021.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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