Public Sector Updates – North

Launceston General Hospital

Emergency Department (ED)

On Monday 22 November 2021, the ANMF, on behalf of members, attended the 4th report back to the Tasmanian Industrial Commission (TIC) in regard to the urgent application of nursing workloads, bed block and ramping at the LGH ED. The ANMF can report that solutions gained so far have led to an easing of pressure within the department, and that while there is a way to go, things are improving. The ANMF is now in the process of scheduling a meeting with members to discuss the current solutions and progress for the implementation of these. A meeting date and time to be confirmed shortly.

Holman Clinic 

On Tuesday 23 November 2021, the ANMF met with members at the Holman Clinic to discuss the proposed benchmarking, current workload pressures, skill mix and a plan for resolution of the workload concerns that are currently being overseen by the TIC. The ANMF is in the process of considering the best way forward for members on this matter and will provide further updates shortly.

Ward 3R, 4D and Northern Coronary Care Unit (NCCU)

On Tuesday 16 November 2021, the ANMF met with members from Ward 3R, 4D and NCCU to discuss the Change Proposal regarding a change in physical space for each of these wards and to support the control of COVID-19 within the LGH once borders open on Wednesday 15 December 2021. Members provided feedback on matters that need to be considered and the ANMF has written to THS management regarding these concerns. On receipt of a response, the ANMF will provide further details to members via a email.  Click here for further details on the meeting discussion points.

The Crisis Assessment Triage Team (CATT)

On Wednesday 17 November 2021, the ANMF met with members from the CATT to discuss current workload and operational concerns. The ANMF is in the process of writing to MHS management to raise these concerns and reinstate the Step 2 grievance process that was recessed earlier this year. Also, the ANMF, via the LGH ED TIC process, has put up a solution for the Psychiatric Emergency Nurses (PEN) to be reinstated. The THS has committed to a meeting with MHS to discuss this proposal. Further updates to follow.

Launceston Community Nursing Service (LCNS)

On Thursday 18 November 2021, the ANMF attended the LCNS workload tool working group. This was the final meeting of the working group and will now liaise with THS regarding the completion of business rules and the process for this model to be ratified at the Statewide Safe Staffing Committee. Further updates to follow.

Updates correct as at 25 November 2021.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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