Aged Care Updates – Statewide

Freemasons MCT

Following ANMF members’ rejection of the EA offer, Masonic Care Tasmania (MCT) is regrouping to consider their next course of action. Look out for a visit from the ANMF with a new offer as soon as we are advised from management. The ANMF is still awaiting a response from MCT Freemasons about workplace issues of concern. The ANMF is also awaiting another EA meeting.

Uniting AgeWell (UAW) Ningana, Sorell

It appears that Uniting AgeWell (UAW) is trying to take away paid meal breaks from members by changing their contracts. An instance has been brought to us where a member has been offered a new contract after requesting a reduction of shifts. The member was offered a new contract with no paid meal breaks. This contravenes the UAW Agreement, and the ANMF has followed up with UAW and is currently awaiting a reply. Please look carefully at any new contracts and consult with the ANMF before signing anything.

Regis Legana

The ANMF met with management at Regis Legana to discuss workload concerns and staffing security raised by members. The ANMF has committed to provide Regis with further details and will update members when further comment is received.

Masonic Care Tasmania (MCT) – Fred French

The ANMF has again contacted MCT Fred French regarding the proposed addition to carer hours (to replace the removed hours in the upstairs area). The ANMF is yet to receive a response. Members will be notified of any updates.

Medea Park

The ANMF is writing to management at Medea Park regarding unpaid wage increase from July 2020 (as agreed to in the 2019 Medea Park EA negotiations). Members will be notified when correspondence is received.

Japara Sandhill

The ANMF met with management at Sandhill to discuss concerns regarding workload and staff safety. Members will be notified of a meeting in due course.

May Shaw

The ANMF received correspondence from May Shaw indicating that they will not be willing to meet to discuss our recent correspondence about workloads. They have also conceded that there has been an underpayment of Registered Nurses on Night Duty, but again declined to meet with the ANMF. Member meetings will be scheduled in the New Year to discuss the next steps.

Tandara Lodge

Tandara Lodge management has advised they will undertake a comprehensive review of its policies and procedures following the ANMF raising a work health and safety (WH&S) concern. Members assure us that the review has been completed and the updated policies are available to guide their practice. The ANMF encourages members to raise WH&S concerns with management in the first instance.

Other Private and Tasmanian Health Service (THS) Sites

Eastern Shore Community Nursing

The ANMF has received a further letter on Monday 6 December 2021 from the Tasmanian Health Service (THS) committing to implement interim safe staffing measures requested by members. This will help address overwhelming workload issues and considerable fatigue for our members in the short term. The ANMF visited on Wednesday 8 December 2021 to consult further with members about their concerns.

Bruny Island Community Health Centre

Members are still awaiting a Change Proposal detailing proposed changes to working arrangements at Bruny Island Community Health Centre. The ANMF encourages members to act on any situations that compromise care by logging and building a record of events that would usually have been dealt with by nurse call out and the outcome of the event.

Central Highlands Community Health Centre, Ouse

The ANMF has attended a meeting with staff and management, regarding workplace matters at Ouse. The contracted company, Moreton Group, which provides GP services at Ouse has been encroaching on THS Community Nurse and Allied Health staff facilities, resulting in a review of arrangements. The GP practice is to be renovated, ground rules have been established, and facilities have been rearranged to enable an equitable share of space.

Updates correct as at 9 December 2021.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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