Aged Care Updates – Statewide

Southern Cross Care (SSC)

Enterprise Agreement (EA), all sites, Protected Action Ballot

The ANMF visited all SCC sites in the past week, to consult and plan toward the Protected Action Ballot (PAB). Representatives and members state that they are keen to demonstrate their disappointment with the SCC EBA offer. Members are encouraged to check email updates and texts regarding the forthcoming PAB.  The list of voters has now closed.  It is very important that, once your ballot papers are received, you vote YES to all questions and return the document in line with the instructions as soon as possible so they don’t get misplaced.

Remember, 50% of all employees on the combined list of employee/member MUST vote YES for the ballot to be valid AND more than 50% of those voting must vote YES.

Finally, the ballot is run by the Australian Electoral Commission and the employer does not know who on the combined list are union members.

SCC Southern Sites; Changes to Servery and Catering

The ANMF met with SCC management on behalf of members to discuss changes to servery and catering. Consultation by SCC with staff and the ANMF has been very poor. SCC held focus groups, which were poorly attended, in an attempt satisfy a consultation process. Subsequently the ANMF has notified SCC that we will be consulting with members regarding the impact of the proposed changes. Noting that there has been a significant impact on care staff and their ability to provide adequate fluids and nutrition to residents. ANMF members are concerned that patients will end up poorly nourished and with increasing incidents of Urinary Tract Infections (and constipation) as a consequence of these changes.


The ANMF has sent out an email regarding ex-BUPA staff. BUPA has notified Fair Work of historic underpayments that they intend honouring to staff. Further updates to follow.

Mount Esk

The ANMF met with management at Mount Esk on Tuesday 14 December 2021 and Wednesday 15 December 2021. The ANMF has received feedback that the changes to carers supporting kitchen staff will be resolved when the new kitchen is operational next year. The ANMF took this feedback to members at a meeting on Thursday 16 December 2021.

Glenara Lakes

The ANMF has received several workload forms from members at Glenara Lakes, which we will raise with management at SCC. Member updates and feedback to follow.

Other RACF sites including Enterprise Agreements (EAs)

Freemasons MCT

The ANMF is pleased to welcome Sarah Herighty as our new Rep at Freemasons. Sarah has represented members at the recent EA meetings and has been a key contact in our discussions with members, as well as regarding talks with management about workloads and recruitment. Meanwhile, the ANMF is still awaiting a response from Freemasons MCT about workplace issues of concern, and a new EA offer. Further updates to follow.


The ANMF is still awaiting the scheduling of a further EA meeting.


The ANMF met with members on Wednesday 15 December 2021 and have subsequently been invited to attend talks with management regarding staffing, roster and workplace issues. The ANMF will schedule a follow up meeting with members to discuss outcomes achieved.

UAW Ningana, Sorell

The ANMF has again written to UAW about their intention to remove paid meal breaks. UAW have used simple changes to rosters, such as when staff ask to reduce hours, to change their entitlement to a paid meal break. Instances like these have been brought to the attention of the ANMF. This management action contravenes the UAW Agreement and the ANMF advises all members to please look carefully at any new contracts and consult with us before signing.

Regis Legana

The ANMF met members at Regis Legana. If members are asked to sign contracts over the break, they are encouraged to say that they will need to seek industrial advice after Tuesday 4 January 2022.  Do not sign until such time as you have received advice.

Masonic Care Tasmania (MCT) – Fred French

The ANMF met with members at Masonic Care Tasmania – Fred French and provided updates on the Enterprise Agreement (EA) progression and workload concerns.

Medea Park

The ANMF has written to management at Medea Park regarding unpaid wage increase from 1 July 2020 (as agreed to during discussions for the replacement 2019 Medea Park EA). Members will be notified when correspondence is received.

Japara Sandhill

The ANMF met with members Sandhill to discuss updates regarding workload and staff safety.

Updates correct as at 23 December 2021.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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