Aged Care Updates – Statewide

Southern Cross Care Tasmania (SCCT)

Mount Esk

The ANMF met with management at Mount Esk on Tuesday 14 December 2021 and Wednesday 15 December 2021 and has received feedback that the changes to carers’ supporting kitchen staff will be resolved when the new kitchen is operational in 2022. The ANMF shared the feedback to members at the meeting last month.

Glenara Lakes

The ANMF has received a number of workload forms from members at Glenara Lakes, which we will raise with management at Southern Cross Care Tasmania. Member updates and feedback to follow.

Enterprise Bargaining Agreement (EBA)

The ANMF encourages members to tick all the boxes on their ballot paper and return to Australian Electoral Commission (AEC). Please encourage your member colleagues to do this. Anyone who did not receive a ballot paper should let us know as there may still be time to get one from AEC. Please contact the ANMF office with any questions.

Changes to Leadership at SCCT

The ANMF is not surprised, but saddened, to hear that two more Facility Managers have resigned from their positions at SCC leaving only two permanent Facility Managers for five facilities in the south of the state. This has a profound effect on morale and teamwork in the sites affected, and the ANMF has great admiration for our members who continue working in an already very difficult environment.

Changes to Servery and Catering

Please contact the ANMF with your concerns, and difficulties with care following this change, especially on care staff and their ability to provide adequate fluids and nutrition to residents.

COVID-19 Response

The ANMF will endeavour to meet with members via Zoom meetings soon. Look out for invites via SMS message and email.

Medea Park

The ANMF has received correspondence from Medea Park to indicate that the wage increase was applied from 1 July 2020 as per an audit they have conducted on their payroll. If members do not believe this is the case, they are encouraged to contact our Member Support Team via email at as early as practicable.

Enterprise Bargaining Agreements (EBAs)

These have gone quiet for the moment with the holiday period and COVID-19 requirements taking priority for nearly all sites.

Tandara Lodge General Staff – Agreement to expire on Thursday 30 June 2022.  Commencement of bargaining letter sent to employer and member survey sent to members.

Emmerton Park – Rollover agreement to expire Thursday 30 June 2022. Commencement of bargaining letter sent to employer and member survey sent to members.

Melaleuca Nurses – Email sent requesting a meeting before the end of January 2022.

Melaleuca General Staff – Currently lodged at Fair Work Commission (FWC) for approval, with a number of matters requiring undertakings.

Baptcare Karingal – The ANMF requested an administrative increase to apply from Saturday 1 January 2022.  No response has been received from the employer.

Updates correct as at 20 January 2022.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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