ANMF COVID-19 Newsflash: RHH Safe Staffing Update

At this meeting the ANMF had an opportunity to discuss nursing and midwifery workforce surge staffing that other jurisdictions have utilised. The ANMF sought a commitment from management to collaborate with the ANMF to ensure a RHH specific nursing and midwifery workforce surge staffing plan is developed in consultation with the ANMF and in step with the relevant nursing and midwifery industrial instruments.

The new RHH Executive Director of Nursing, Brent Foreman, has committed to reviewing the document provided by the ANMF prior to a follow up meeting and subsequently working with the ANMF on these matters. A further meeting will be scheduled in the next week.

Further to the above, the ANMF also raised the need for more rest and meal break spaces to allow those returning to work, who are close contacts, an appropriate area to doff and socially distance for their break. Management is currently working alternative solutions with further updates to follow.


Updates correct as at 17 January 2022.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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