Private Sector Updates – Statewide

Healthscope – Hobart Private Hospital and St Helen’s Hospital

The ANMF has been sent a draft of the Enterprise Agreement (EA) for the ANMF industrial team to check and comment on. Further details will be provided to members as they come to hand. The ANMF has received a response from Healthscope in relation to their preparedness for the current Omicron variant of COVID-19. Click here to read more.

The ANMF encourages members to contact Member Support if they have any current issues in the workplace regarding the Omicron COVID-19 response or any other issue. We are unable to visit onsite due to the current Public Health Directive. If you would like to meet with your organiser via zoom or offsite, please contact our Member Support Team via email at

TasIVF/Hobart Specialist Day Hospital (HSDH)

The ANMF is still waiting to hear from TasIVF following the Christmas break regarding the continuation of Enterprise Agreement negotiations. Members are considering a 2% per annum wage increase over a shortened period of a 2-year agreement. Advancement to level 2 is still under discussion.

The ANMF has not received a reply from management regarding the preparedness TasIVF and HSDH have for the current Omicron variant of COVID-19. This includes details of the outbreak management plan they have in place to keep staff and clients and patients safe, and the plan for staff should they need to be tested and isolate. If you have any concerns about these or any other issue in your workplace, please contact our Member Support Team via email at

Family Planning Tasmania (FPT) – Statewide

An application for approval of the Family Planning Tasmania EA 2021 has been lodged with Fair Work Australia. The ANMF has written to FPT management regarding the preparedness they have for the current Omicron variant of COVID-19 and as yet has not received a reply. This includes details of the outbreak management plan they have in place to keep staff, clients/patients safe, and the plan for staff should they need to be tested and isolate. If you have any concerns about this, please contact our Member Support Team via email at


Regarding COVID-19 action plans, Eskleigh has implemented a COVID-19 Area Allowance of $2.50 per hour on top of members’ hourly rate and a Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) allowance of $15 per shift for the purpose of coming into work early to be tested.

Updates correct as at 3 February 2022.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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