Public Sector Updates – North

Launceston General Hospital

Ward 5D

The ANMF met with members on 5D on Friday 25 February 2022 where members were updated on the current Statewide application before the Tasmanian Industrial Commission (TIC) regarding workloads, Nursing Hours per Patient Day (NHpPD) and significant shortfalls in full time equivalents (FTE). Members provided valuable feedback in regard to these matters which the ANMF has utilised in our submissions to the TIC.

Mental Health Services (MHS) North

The Crisis Assessment Triage Team (CATT)

The ANMF met with CATT members on Tuesday 22 March 2022 to discuss the current proposed solutions in relation to the step 2 Grievance and the proposed relocation from 52 Frankland Street to Canning Street. The ANMF has taken feedback provided by members and corresponded with MHS management. We expect a response to this correspondence by Wednesday 9 March 2022. There will be further updates to follow.

Updates correct as at 3 March 2022.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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