Public Sector Updates – South

Royal Hobart Hospital (RHH)

Maternity Services

The ANMF has received from Tasmanian Health Service (THS) management a final copy of the Birth-rate-Plus Benchmarking results from the venture conducted on Wednesday 22 December 2021. The THS has informed that the outcomes (a 6.99FTE increase in Midwifery resources across the service) were being compiled into a business case for submission to Executive as soon as possible. The ANMF is happy to advise members of this positive outcome and thank them for their participation in the Grievance process to date.

Emergency Department (ED)

The ANMF has remained in constant contact with Emergency Department local management and members alike, attempting to raise/resolve workplace issues if/when they come to light. Should members have ongoing or new concerns they wish to raise, they are encouraged to do so via our Member Support Team at

General Surgical Unit (K9W)

The ANMF on Thursday 24 February 2022 attended a Grievance update meeting for the General Surgical Unit, including the actions/outcomes associated with the Shared Governance. THS management has spoken favourably of the perceived outcomes, however the ANMF has committed to running of a survey of members as well as conducting feedback meetings in order to directly assess what impact these programs have had on workloads in real terms. Members will be provided a copy of the survey and advised of scheduled meeting times via separate emails.

Updates correct as at 3 March 2022.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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