Private Sector Updates – Statewide


Healthscope Hobart Private and St Helen’s Hospitals

The ANMF visited St Helen’s and Hobart Private Hospitals on Wednesday 15 and Thursday 16 March 2022 to talk to members about the next steps following the EA going to the Fair Work Commission for approval. The ANMF is hoping to commence the Workload Consultative Meeting as soon as possible to begin addressing the workloads at both sites.

Members are reminded to complete an internal workload form to document workload issues.

Please contact our Member Support Team via email at if you have any concerns with your workloads. Please click here for more information.


Lenah Valley Endoscopy Unit

The ANMF attended a meeting with Calvary management regarding the current situation on the Endoscopy Unit with staff recruitment and education being a priority. Calvary is holding regular meetings with staff and has invited the ANMF to attend the next meeting on Thursday 24 March 2022 from 1800-1900hrs. If members have any concerns regarding the Unit, please contact our Member Support Team via email at

TasIVF/Hobart Specialist Day Hospital

The ANMF has returned the draft agreement of the Enterprise Agreement (EA) to TasIVF with comments for changes and is awaiting notification on the next step. Members will be kept informed of the process.

Updates correct as at 16 March 2022.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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