Public Sector Updates – South

Royal Hobart Hospital (RHH)

Clinical Trials

The ANMF, by virtue of feedback taken at the member meeting on Wednesday 23 March 2022, has written formally to Tasmanian Health Service (THS) senior management to raise any identified concerns. At time of writing, the requested date of response stands on Wednesday 20 April 2022. Once received, such a response will be relayed in full via an email for members’ consideration, with a likely subsequent member meeting to follow afterwards.

Repatriation Centre

The ANMF, by virtue of feedback taken at the member meeting on Tuesday 29 March 2022, has written formally to THS senior management to raise any identified concerns. At time of writing, the requested date of response stands on Wednesday 20 April 2022. Once received, such a response will be relayed in full via an email for members’ consideration, with a likely subsequent member meeting to follow afterwards.

Acute Older Persons Unit (AOPU)

The ANMF, by virtue of feedback taken at the member meeting on Friday 1 April 2022, has written formally to THS senior management to raise any identified concerns. At time of writing, the requested date of response stands on 20 April 2022. Once received, such a response will be relayed in full via an email for members’ consideration, with a likely subsequent member meeting to follow afterwards. Please click here for more information.

Statewide Mental Health Services (SMHS) – Mental Health Inpatient Unit (RHH)

The ANMF, having written to SMHS management on behalf of members in the Mental Health Inpatient Unit regarding identified workplace concerns, has subsequently received a request for an extension to the requested date of reply. As such, a formal response is now anticipated by COB Friday 29 April 2022.

SMHS – Roy Fagan Centre (RFC)

The ANMF has received feedback from members working at the Roy Fagan Centre that certain aspects of the agreed outcomes from the 2021 Step Two Grievance process have yet to come to fruition – most notably, the implementation of a fixed-term Nurse Unit Manager (NUM) role. The ANMF has written to SMHS seeking an update on progress for this matter and will advise members via an email once such advice is forthcoming.

SMHS – Reform Project

Consultation regarding the Continuing Care Stream within the Reform Project is ongoing, with a third further planning session regarding the extension of service having taken place on Thursday 7 April 2022. The ANMF has requested from Mental Health Services (MHS) management a full summary of the latest feedback report and the current dates planned for commencing the extended hours. Currently this matter is also tied up in an open Workload Grievance, which sits at a Step 2. Any further updates before the next eNews release will be provided to affected members directly.

SMHS – Adult Community Mental Health Service (ACMHS)

A response from management regarding the Adult Community Mental Health Service (ACMHS) Step 2 was received and a Step 2 meeting has taken place. An outcome letter was sent back to management on Thursday 7 April 2022 and response was received on Tuesday 12 April 2022. The ANMF has requested further clarity and is currently waiting to hear back in relation to a specific detail that (with endorsement by our members) may constitute escalation of this matter to the Tasmanian Industrial Commission (TIC). Further updates will be provided directly to members that are affected, as they become available.

Mental Health Short Stay Unit (MHSSU)

An ANMF member meeting was held in the Mental Health Short Stay Unit (MHSSU) on Thursday 24 March 2022, with a letter to management sent out on Thursday 31 March 2022. Many issues and concerns were raised, and a large amount of data has been requested as part of managements response. The response has been requested by Thursday 21 April 2022 (this timeframe also factors in the Easter break). Once a response has been received from management a summary will be sent out to members and a follow up meeting will be organised.

Updates correct as at 13 April 2022.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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