Public Sector Updates – North

Launceston General Hospital

Ward 5B

On Monday 9 May 2022, the ANMF met with members on 5B to discuss current workload concerned. This included increasing overtime and double shifts, acuity, and skill mix, managing medical and COVID-19 patients. The ANMF provided feedback to members on the current Statewide dispute in the Tasmanian Industrial Commission (TIC) that is linked to the concerns members are experiencing on 5B and the possibility of commencing industrial action. Members are considering the options available to them to support industrial action in line with ANMF members across the state. We will engage with local management on the concerns raised at the meeting and seek local solutions. Further updates to follow.

Holman Clinic

The ANMF corresponded with the Tasmanian Health Service (THS) on Thursday 14 April 2022 regarding a commitment of a permanent appointment to the floor support position. On Monday 2 May 2022, the ANMF received a response from the THS who, despite acknowledging the evaluation period for the position has not been completed, sees the benefit in the position and agrees to considering making the position permanent. The THS will now go through the organisation process to seek the relevant approvals for the funding. As a result of this and based on member survey feedback around the TIC process, the ANMF will seek the TIC grievance process to be put into abeyance until November. At which time if the position is not approved for funding the ANMF, in consultation with members, will be able to seek the assistance of the TIC regarding this matter. Further updates to follow.

Operating Room Suite (ORS)

The ANMF is working through a process for the rescheduling of the member meeting cancelled as a result of THS arbitrarily limiting access to the ANMF for the purpose of holding meetings with members. The rescheduled meeting will likely occur in line with broader meetings across the hospital in regard to the Statewide Tasmanian Industrial Commission application regarding workloads and nursing and midwife shortages. Further updates to follow.

Ward 5A and Short Stay Surgical Unit (SSSU)

The ANMF has been made aware of unmitigated workloads in both 5A and SSSU and is in the process of scheduling meeting on these wards to understand the specific of the workload concerns with a view of raising a grievance under appendix C of the Nurses and Midwives agreement. Further details on meeting dates and time to follow.

Ward 4O/B

On Monday 2 May 2022, the ANMF wrote to THS management regarding the workloads of members in 4O/B and is now in receipt of a response from THS management regarding members concerns raised. The ANMF is in the process of reviewing this response and will schedule a meeting with members to discuss the next course of action. Of significant note was THS confirming that 4O/B has an FTE baseline roster vacancy of 1.7 FTE Grade 5, 3.17 FTE of Grade 3/4 and 9.37 FTE of fixed term vacancies. Total vacant FTE of 14.24. The ANMF is carefully considering the response to the Step 1 Grievance raised, noting limited solutions have been offered to address the concerns and will hold a follow up meeting with 4O/B members to discuss the next steps. Further details to follow.

Updates correct as at 11 May 2022.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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