ANMF Newsflash: Public Sector COVID-19 Allowance Update

The overwhelming result is that members support the ANMF accepting the proposed COVID-19 allowance as offered by the Tasmanian Government, noting that it falls short in appropriately recognising the hard work of nurses, midwives, and assistants in nursing. Also noting frustration that the allowance will not come into effect until an area is designated Red or Amber AND at escalation Level 3 for at least 30 days.

As directed by members the ANMF has indicated acceptance of the proposed offer but noted that it has been accepted with great disappointment and frustration. However, the ANMF will continue to advocate for a better allowance as well as solutions to the workloads and workforce challenges that members are experiencing, through the Retain. Recruit. Recognise industrial campaign. The ANMF acknowledge the enormous hardship that all members have endured during the COVID-19 pandemic and will continue to highlight this to the Tasmanian Government in order to obtain the recognition and importantly, resources you deserve.

The offer will apply to all nurses, midwives and care workers and will be back paid to the start of the existing level 3 escalations across the State from 1 April 2022. The Red allowance will be paid to those members caring for COVID-19 patients and the amber allowance will apply those in clinical settings without COVID-19 patients.

The ANMF will advise further in relation to when allowance to be passed on to members the agreement is registered and when back pay will be received.

The ANMF encourage all members to participate in the current i , when members can expect the industrial action in order to highlight to the Tasmanian Government that urgent additional resources are required to support nurses, midwives and assistants in nursing in all clinical settings across the state.

The ANMF Tasmanian Branch is 8000 plus members strong! Supporting nurses, midwives, and care workers as the only union in Tasmania employing nurses and care workers to represent members. This is why our Organisers and Member Support Team are uniquely positioned to understand your experiences, represent you in your workplace, and offer industrial advice that’s relevant to you. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact our Member Support Team via email on Email is the preferred and fastest way of contacting the team. Alternatively, you can phone (03) 6223 6777 or 1800 001 241 if outside Hobart.

Read the PDF version here.

Updates correct as at 25 May 2022.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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