Public Sector Updates – South

Royal Hobart Hospital (RHH)

Emergency Department (ED)

The ANMF, on Thursday 2 June 2022, conducted a member meeting in the RHH Emergency Department to discuss current nursing conditions. As a result of feedback taken it was decided that the ANMF will draft a workloads form in the hope of having members make ongoing submissions if/when issues of excessive workload, short staffing or patient safety arise. Members will be forwarded copies of any such forms ASAP once they are completed via a separate Newsflash.

Medical Specialties (Winter Ward – 2A)

On Friday 17 June 2022, the ANMF conducted a member meeting on Ward 2A to discuss current nursing concerns within the unit. As a result of feedback taken the ANMF has committed to formally writing on members’ behalf to raise with local and senior management – members will receive a copy of this outgoing correspondence as well as any response once it is received via a separate Newsflash.

Acute Older Persons Unit (AOPU)

On Friday 17 June 2022, the ANMF undertook a meeting with senior Tasmanian Health Service (THS) management to discuss the Step One Workload Grievance raised on behalf of Acute Older Persons Unit (AOPU). These discussions were fruitful with mutual recognition of several key themes being established. The ANMF has resolved to consult again with members before writing again to THS with any/all suggested solutions for the outstanding issues. Members will be provided a copy of such correspondence via a separate Newsflash once it is sent.

Updates correct as at 21 June 2022.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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