Public Sector Updates – North

Launceston General Hospital (LGH)

Wards 4O/4B

On the Tuesday 23 August 2022, the ANMF met with Tasmanian Health Service (THS) North management for a reconvened Specialist Panel meeting regarding the outstanding Step 2 Workload Grievance for Wards 4O/4B. At the meeting, the ANMF raised feedback from members as detailed at the ANMF member meeting held on Friday 29 July 2022. The ANMF has been able to negotiate several solutions with THS management. Click here for a full update.

The ANMF will shortly schedule a meeting with members to seek further feedback on the solutions on offer.

Ward 5D

On Friday 26 August 2022, the ANMF met with Ward 5D members to discuss the outcomes of the Step 2 Specialist Panel, Workload Grievance, meeting with THS management and the newly produced Benchmarking, click here for a full update.

At the meeting members gave the ANMF the direction to provide preliminary endorsement of the proposed new Benchmark, pending a review of the final eCalculator for Ward 5D, and that the Step 2 Grievance will be considered resolved one the proposed new Full Time Equivalent (FTE) from the Benchmarking process, both direct and indirect, is recruited to and filled. Further updates to follow.

Emergency Department (ED)

Further to the previous eNews update in relation to the ongoing workload issues, the ANMF is in the process of formalising, in writing, members’ concerns and proposed solutions to THS North management. Further updates to follow once in receipt of a response from management.

Updates correct as at 31 August 2022.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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