Private Sector Updates – Statewide

Calvary Lenah Valley and St John’s Hospitals

The ANMF has requested the Calvary Enterprise Agreement negotiating team set a date to commence bargaining as soon as possible and are waiting for a reply. The ANMF will notify members as soon as a date has been set.


The next Workload Committee Meeting will be held on Wednesday 28 September 2022 from 1230hrs – 1400hrs. Members are encouraged to attend. You can join via Zoom or in person if that is an option (to be confirmed). Contact your manager for details and to be given time during your shift to attend. Please email Organiser Jane Pond at if you would like to attend via Zoom and do not have access to the link.

Employees can claim for time attending as per the “Healthscope – Tasmania – Nurses – Enterprise Agreement 2021 – 2024  Schedule 2 – Principles of Nursing Workload Management.” Click here to view the document.

Child Health and Protection Service (CHaPS) South

The ANMF met recently with members to discuss member concerns. CHaPS South members will join with the North and North West members at a Specialist Panel meeting with ANMF Organisers and CHaPS management shortly – date to be confirmed. Various concerns will be discussed at this meeting that are common to all areas of CHaPS. Members will be notified of the outcome of the meeting. If you have any concerns to be addressed at the Specialist Panel Meeting please email Organiser Jane Pond at by COB Thursday 15 September 2022.

Updates correct as at 14 September 2022.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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