Private Sector Updates

Calvary Lenah Valley and St John’s Hospitals
The ANMF has written to Calvary to ask for bargaining to commence and we will notify members as soon as a date has been set.

Workload Consultative Committee Meeting Lenah Valley and St John’s Hospitals
There has been a change of date for the next meeting which will now be held on Thursday 3 November 2022 at 1430hrs – 1530hrs via Webex or in the boardrooms. Please contact your manager if you would like to attend and you are rostered as working. Please contact Organiser Jane Pond via email if you would like to attend, need further information, or a link to attend the meeting via Webex.

The Workload Committee Meeting was held on Wednesday 28 September 2022 from 1230hrs – 1400hrs. Members can access the minutes of these meetings via their Nurse Unit Manager. The ANMF will provide an update of this meeting and notification of the date for the next meeting soon.

Updates correct as at 27 September 2022.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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