Public Sector Updates – North

Launceston General Hospital

Child Health and Parenting Service (CHaPS)
On Monday 19 September 2022, the ANMF attended the Step 2 Specialist Panel for the CHaPs workload grievance. The Specialist Panel is hearing and will develop solutions for workloads from the South, North and Northwest. You can read the full update here: ANMF Newsflash CHaPS State-wide (

LGH Midwifery Group Practice (MGP) North
On Tuesday 20 September 2022, the ANMF met with LGH MGP North members to discuss and endorse the Log of Claims (LoC) for the up-and-coming Enterprise Agreement negotiations for a new MGP Statewide Agreement. Further updates to follow once negotiations commence.

LGH Emergency Department (ED)
After two periods of delay, the ANMF is now in receipt of the Tasmanian Health Service (THS) response to members concerns raised in our correspondence dated Tuesday 6 September 2022. The ANMF will meet with members to discuss this response and the ongoing workload concerns, meeting date and time to follow. You can read the full update here: ANMF Newsflash LGH ED (

Ward 5B
The ANMF met with Ward 5B members on Friday 23 September 2022 to discuss the THS response to the Step 1 Grievance raised regarding workloads. Members have agreed to work through the benchmarking process and see what increase in Full Time Equivalent (FTE) this might generate. Benchmarking will occur on Monday 26 September 2022 and further updates will follow from this meeting.

Updates correct as at 27 September 2022.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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