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EA Updates

Calvary Health Care Tasmania
The ANMF is arranging a petition of nursing staff to demonstrate that nurses want to begin bargaining for a replacement Enterprise Agreement.

Calvary Home Care
The ANMF is reviewing the employer’s draft Agreement.

May Shaw Nurses
The ANMF is awaiting details of the employer’s proposed new classification structure.

May Shaw General Staff
The ANMF is awaiting details of the employer’s proposed new classification structure.

OneCare General Staff
The Agreement has been approved by the Fair Work Commission.

Regis Aged Care Tasmania
The employer intends to put its agreement out to ballot without the ANMF’s approval. The ANMF is awaiting the ballot version of the proposed Agreement.

Respect Aged Care
The ANMF is meeting with members to endorse the Log of Claims for a replacement Enterprise Agreement.

Uniting AgeWell
The employer is proposing to remove paid meal breaks for day and afternoon shifts, and to pay meal breaks for night shifts at base rates only. The ANMF met with the employer to continue the bargaining process on Wednesday 23 November 2022.

Aged Care Deloraine
The ANMF has asked the employer to meet to continue the bargaining process.

Eskleigh Foundation
The ANMF has asked the employer to meet to continue the bargaining process.

Calvary Japara
The ANMF has sent the endorsed Log of Claims to the employer.

Baptcare Karingal
The ANMF has sent the endorsed Log of Claims to the employer.

Emmerton Park
The ANMF is preparing a Log of Claims for a replacement Enterprise Agreement.

Melaleuca Home for the Aged
The ANMF is meeting with members to discuss the employer’s revised offer.

Updates correct as at 23 November 2022.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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