Public Sector Updates – South

Royal Hobart Hospital (RHH)

The ANMF has been advised that wards at the RHH were told they will need to accept an additional patient (to be in a bed in a corridor) when ambulances are ramped. This raises concerns about patient safety (including no call bell access), privacy and workloads. The ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary, Emily Shepherd will be in contact with the Executive Director of Nursing (EDON) to discuss the concerns of members.

Royal Hobart Hospital (RHH)

Over Christmas and New Year, the ANMF were actively advocating on behalf of members at the RHH who were experiencing high workloads and increased demand for service. The ANMF had regular meetings with the Department of Health and local Executive Management over this time and highlighted that requesting staff to return from annual leave was likely to increase burn out among members and strategy needed to be developed urgently. This workshop has been scheduled and the ANMF will report back to members on the outcome of this in February.

The ANMF reminds members that any request to return from a period of annual leave to assist, can only be a request, as the ANMF secured commitments from the Tasmanian Government in the last round of bargaining, which are now included in the Nurses and Midwives Award, that members can only be requested to return, not directed.

The ANMF commend all members for their hard work over this period and being there for your colleagues and patients, however, the ANMF will continue to advocate for members health and wellness to be made an equal priority to that of patients seeking care, by the Tasmanian Government.

Updates correct as at 12 January 2023.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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