Public Sector Updates – South

Royal Hobart Hospital (RHH)

Outpatient Oncology (8A)

The ANMF understand the ‘Statement of Duties’ for the proposed 8A Clinical Nurse Consultant (CNC) position to have been finalised and the draft presented to nurses for their consideration. Once any feedback has been considered the Tasmanian Health Service (THS) have indicated they will progress this through job design with all haste to ensure the position can be advertised as soon as possible. The ANMF has written to local management seeking an opportunity to conduct a member meeting to provide a full update.

Neonatal and Paediatric Intensive Care Unit

The ANMF conducted a meeting in the RHH Neonatal and Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (NPICU) to seek ratification on most recent Nursing Hours per Patient Day (NHpPD) Benchmarking and ancillary alignment with Australian College of Critical Care Nurses (ACCCN) standards. Members voted in favour of the proposed Full Time Equivalent (FTE) changes, with the caveat that further discussion regarding the initial interpretation of the ACCCN standards be facilitated, as well as insistence on provision of the prescribed FTE for Clinical Nurse Educator (CNE) roles. The ANMF will write to the THS regarding these matters and present the correspondence to members once received.

Member Meetings

The ANMF has reached out to local management figures across the RHH seeking to schedule member meetings in the near future. Meetings will be advertised on noticeboards and communicated via email. Members are warmly encouraged to attend to discuss any/all aspects of current nursing conditions or concerns within the service.

Repatriation Centre – Peacock 3

The ANMF met with senior RHH managers to discuss multiple issues on the ward, including staffing, leadership, workloads, recruitment, and management arrangements. RHH Executive Director of Nursing (EDON), Brent Foreman has committed to attend the next staff meeting on the ward. The ANMF encourage members to attend and press Brent on the many outstanding concerns. A meeting will be scheduled for early next week to further discuss this multi-facetted grievance.

Updates correct as at 8 February 2023.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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