Public Sector Updates – North

Launceston General Hospital (LGH)

Ward 5A

On Thursday 9 March 2023, the ANMF met with Ward 5A members to discuss the proposed Nursing Hours per Patient Day (NHpPD) re-benchmark for the ward. Ward 5A benchmarking for 2023 will remain unchanged and rostering for 11 on the AM and PM shift and 6 on the night shift to remain. The ANMF will liaise with Tasmanian Health Service (THS) management regarding the 5A clinical coach to ensure this position is documented as a part of the benchmarking process to confirm this position in the e-Calculator tool.

Ward 3D

On Wednesday 8 March 2023, the ANMF met with Ward 3D members to discuss the proposed NHpPD re-benchmark. Benchmarking for 2023 will remain unchanged however, in addition to baseline NHpPD, a clinical coach will be employed on Ward 3D seven days a week between 1000hrs and 1830hrs. The ANMF will circulate a member survey to determine if this proposal will allow for the Step 1 Grievance, subject to the clinical coach position being recruited to and workloads stabilising, to be resolved. Newsflash update to follow.

Ward 4D, Emergency Department, Intensive Care Unit and Ward 5D

The ANMF has received feedback from members from Ward 4D, Emergency Department (ED), Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and Ward 5D regarding the Tasmanian Health Services’ (THS) decision to remove after hours hospital aide and ward clerk positions. These positions were established during COVID-19 and members have indicated that they remain relevant due to the ongoing potential for COVID-19 and changes in the way health care has been delivered (as a result of COVID-19). Members have advised that removal of these roles will adversely affect nursing workloads. The ANMF will write to THS management and will provide an update to members shortly.

Updates correct as at 23 March 2023.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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