Private Sector Updates – Statewide


Calvary Health Care Tasmania Hospitals

The ANMF has closed the Fair Work Commission (FWC) matter as Calvary continues to deny unsafe workloads exist. The ANMF will continue to raise these concerns in the Workload Consultative Meetings. We encourage all staff to complete a workload form if you feel unsafe at work and ask that a copy of these forms be submitted to the ANMF so we can hold Calvary accountable.

North West

North West Private Hospital Rivendell

The ANMF met with members from the North West Private Hospital (NWPH) on Wednesday 10 May 2023. The ANMF met with HealtheCare management to raise members concerns. Members should see changes that address some of the matters discussed in the following weeks. A progress meeting will be scheduled for mid-June 2023.


Healthscope St Helen’s Hospital

The ANMF are sorry to see Healthscope vacate the Macquarie Street facility and are particularly concerned about the loss of the Mental Health, and Mother and Baby Unit beds, including the additional pressure this will put on the public system, as well as those in need who wish to access the services.

Some members have been advised that they will be made redundant, others have been offered (what the employer believes to be) ‘acceptable alternative employment’.  Unfortunately, that does not mean ‘acceptable’ from the point of view of the member, it is merely an assessment as to whether the person holds the necessary skills to undertake an alternative role, and the position is at no lesser financial and employment benefits as the position which no longer exists.  A number of members have raised concerns with their employer about their perception of whether the role is ‘acceptable’ and we anticipate the employer will be responding to each individual.  We have also asked the employer if they can provide more information as to what benefits might be extended to long term casuals (noting that casual staff are excluded from a redundancy benefit) in line with the comments made by the employer at an early meeting.

The ANMF has been attending meetings with members regarding the closure of St Helen’s. Members have been asked to give feedback to Healthscope by Friday 19 May 2023 regarding their offer. Members can contact our Member Support Team via email at if they have any queries.

We have also written to the Department of Health to see if mental health nurses, losing a role at St Helen’s, could transfer (with their entitlements) to the Tasmanian Health System.

Updates correct as at 17 May 2023.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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