Aged Care Updates – Statewide


Calvary Care – Riverside and Sandhill

Changes are occurring at these facilities, which the employer asserts will result in more staff on site. The consultation period has just commenced and a booklet has been provided to employees (and should also be found in the tea rooms). The ANMF is advised that no changes will be implemented until around August/September 2023. Enrolled Nurse (EN) members are concerned that they will now be called ‘Team Leaders’ and that this will impact upon their registration as a nurse. We wish to reassure members that an industrial classification does not change the professional status of an individual. ANMF Organiser, Nicki Hood will be doing site visits which will be announced shortly. View the latest update.

Updates correct as at 1 June 2023.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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