Aged Care Updates – Statewide


Southern Cross Care Tasmania (SCCT)

It appears that the Household Model of Care that SCCT stated would deliver a high level of care to all residents has not delivered the safe care that was promised. Members report a shocking increase in medication errors, a decrease in trained staff numbers, an increase in workloads, a lack of urgently required stock, and basic dressing supplies. Many members report they feel coerced to work long and excessive hours. Northern Organiser Nicki Hood will be visiting northern workplaces this week to listen to members concerns. If you would like to report specific concerns to the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (ACQSC) please refer to the latest newsflash. Please note –  you can report anonymously.


Calvary Aged Care

The ANMF wrote to the employer to ask for the pre-requisite qualifications required for the Team Leader position to be changed to reflect Calvary’s stated preference to have Enrolled Nurses (ENs) in the team leader positions. Calvary has refused this request. Members can read their response here. The Position Description can be found here.

EA negotiation meetings are scheduled but meetings have been delayed by the employer bargaining representative. Calvary has not yet tabled a wage offer, so it remains unclear if they have passed on the full Fair Work Value wage increase as mandated by the Australian Government. If you would like an independent review of your wage please contact our Member Support Team via email at .

This document will explain how the payment should flow on to members – even if they are currently paid an ‘above award’ rate.

North West

Baptcare Karingal

The ANMF Member Support Team were contacted by several nurses from Baptcare Karingal who had not received the Fair Work Value wage increase which applied from the first full pay period after 1 July 2023. Members have since reported that following the correct information being supplied by the ANMF all nurses have had their pay corrected.

Updates correct as at 26 July 2023.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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