Latest news and updates from across the state
EA Updates
We are frequently updating information regarding enterprise agreements from private and aged care sites across Tasmania so our members can stay informed.
Calvary Health Care Tasmania
An EA meeting was held on 11 July 2023, the employer has not increased its wage offer or addressed member concerns about workloads. See the information above.
Public Sector (nurses/midwives) Tasmanian State Agreement
At the time of print, the ANMF are still waiting on an offer from the Government and meetings are being scheduled around the state to provide feedback to members. Please see below for the full list of meetings being held in July.
Launceston General Hospital
When: Tuesday 18 July 2023
Venue: Level 2 Lecture Theatre
Time: 1430hrs
ZOOM Meeting
When: Thursday 20 July 2023
Venue: Virtual Zoom Meeting
Time: 1430hrs
Royal Hobart Hospital
When: Friday 21 July 2023
Venue: Keith Millingen Lecture Theatre
Time: 1430hrs
North West Regional Hospital
When: Thursday 27 July 2023
Venue: Operations Centre Conference Room
Time: 1400hrs
Caseload Midwifery
Following a single meeting on Tuesday 6 June 2023 there seemed to be general agreement on several points raised. However, the negotiator has not yet been able to secure a meeting with the necessary Government officials to provide an actual ‘offer’. The ANMF feel the matter is currently stalled, but trust there will be progress soon.
The first meeting was held 2 weeks ago to meet and greet members. No substantive discussion has yet commenced. The next meeting may be scheduled in the week of 17 July 2023. The employer has indicated an intention to merge three EAs in Victoria with a single Tasmanian Agreement to generate a single EA covering nurses across the service.
May Shaw (Nurses)
The employer has improved their wage offer. The ANMF is meeting with the employer on 13 July 2023 to discuss outstanding issues.
May Shaw (Non Nurses)
The employer has improved their wage offer. The ANMF is meeting with the employer on 13 July 2023 to discuss outstanding issues.
Mary Ogilvy Home
The first bargaining meeting was held on Wednesday 28 June 2023 where a wage offer, and a draft Agreement, were presented by the employer. The ANMF has held a member meeting for feedback on the offer. Please see latest Newsflash here.
Hobart Day Surgery
The ANMF has sent the endorsed Log of Claims (LoC) to the employer.
South Eastern Community Care
The Agreement has been approved by the Fair Work Commission (FWC).
Aged Care Deloraine
ANMF members have updated their Log of Claims (LoC) for a replacement Enterprise Agreement (EA).
Eskleigh Foundation
The ANMF is awaiting the employer’s revised draft agreement.
Calvary Aged Care
The ANMF met with the employer on Wednesday 5 July 2023 to continue the bargaining process. The employer has not yet made a wage offer.
The ANMF has sent the endorsed Log of Claims (LoC) to the employer.
Emmerton Park
The ANMF is preparing a Log of Claims (LoC) for a replacement Enterprise Agreement (EA).
Melaleuca Home for the Aged
The ANMF is awaiting a revised wage offer from the employer.
Updates correct as at 12 July 2023.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary
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