Public Sector Updates – North West

Mersey Community Hospital (MCH) Emergency Department (ED)

The ANMF, on behalf of members at the MCH ED will meet with Tasmanian Health Service management and the ward ANMF Workplace Representative on Tuesday 25 July 2023. This will be followed by a member meeting to discuss progress of the ‘matrix’ document, that aims to support clinical decision making with regards to safe staffing. An invite will be sent to members via email.

North West Renal Unit

The ANMF met with members at North West Renal Unit on Thursday 15 June 2023, where members raised workload concerns. The ANMF, on behalf of members, raised a Step 1 Grievance.  A response from THS has been received, and the ANMF will meet with members on Thursday 13 July 2023 to discuss the response and seek members direction for next steps.

Rosebery Community Health Centre

The ANMF is celebrating the good news for members regarding Salary Maintenance at the Rosebery Community Health Centre. The ANMF successfully advocated for members working at Rosebery Community Health Centre between 12 December 2021 and 11 December 2022, who were financially disadvantaged due to not being rostered a mix of shifts, to receive a period of ‘salary maintenance’ while they adjust to a new level of pay.

We are pleased to report that the Deed of Release has been finalised and affected members can expect to start receiving their deeds indicating their back pay amount this week (once the signed Deed is returned). Please note it is important to sign and return your Deed ASAP as only then will payment be authorised.

ComRRS, Community Nursing Hellyer and Mersey Leven

The ANMF attended a series of meetings with members from Hellyer Community Nursing, Mersey Leven Community Nursing and ComRRs to discuss the Change Proposal. Primary Health Service management has been informed of members feedback with a response expected by Tuesday 25 July 2023. Members will be informed of progress via newsflash and follow up meetings.

Updates correct as at 12 July 2023.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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