Latest news and updates from across the state
EA Updates
We are frequently updating information regarding enterprise agreements from private and aged care sites across Tasmania so our members can stay informed.
I-Med (Radiology Tasmania)
A further bargaining meeting was held on Tuesday 22 August 2023. There were several points discussed, however, there is no agreement yet on any matter.
It is likely that several further meetings will occur before there is anything substantive to report to members. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 12 September 2023.
Calvary Health Care Tasmania (CHCT)
ANMF members voted to take protected industrial action. The ANMF is meeting with the employer on Friday 25 August 2023, where the employer will present its response to the ANMFs proposed staffing models.
May Shaw
The agreement was made when employees voted to approve it at ballot. The employer will now lodge the agreement in the Fair Work Commission (FWC) for approval.
The employer postponed the meeting scheduled for Tuesday 23 May 2023 due to turnover in the bargaining team and has not yet agreed to schedule another meeting.
Mary Ogilvy Home
The ANMF is advised that the ballot on the draft Enterprise Agreement (EA) did not succeed. 92 employees voted on the document but only 44% voted ‘yes’.
The ANMF has sent a survey to members asking for feedback on the proposal. Once that information is received, the ANMF will reply to the employer.
Corumbene Care
A discussion was held at Corumbene on Wednesday 16 August 2023. The ANMF is waiting for a written response from the employer in relation to both draft agreements.
Hobart Day Surgery
The ANMF has sent the endorsed Log of Claims (LoC) to the employer.
Aged Care Deloraine
ANMF members have updated their Log of Claims for a replacement Enterprise Agreement (EA).
Eskleigh Foundation
The ANMF is awaiting the employer’s revised draft agreement.
Calvary Aged Care
The ANMF met with the employer on Thursday 17 August 2023 to continue the bargaining process.
Updates correct as at 23 August 2023.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary
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