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EA Updates

Calvary Health Care Tasmania (CHCT)
The employer has said that it will not agree to a minimum staffing model that it cannot unilaterally change. ANMF members are continuing to take industrial action in an attempt to persuade the employer to change its position. All ANMF members are asking for is a minimum enforceable staffing requirement.

May Shaw
The Agreement has been lodged in the Fair Work Commission (FWC) for approval. The ANMF will let members know when the new agreement comes into effect.

The next bargaining meeting is scheduled for Thursday 14 September 2023.

The ANMF is meeting with members to endorse the Log of Claims (LoC) for a replacement Enterprise Agreement (EA).

Mary Ogilvy
Members have voted down the proposed Enterprise Agreement (EA) draft, a meeting is scheduled next week. The reasons for the Agreement being voted against are not clear.

Hobart Day Surgery
The ANMF has sent the endorsed Log of Claims (LoC) to the employer.

Due to problems on the employer side, including work absences, the ANMF is still awaiting minutes from the last meeting and a response to the Log of Claims (LoC) lodged on behalf of members.

Aged Care Deloraine
ANMF members have updated their Log of Claims (LoC) for a replacement Enterprise Agreement (EA).

The ANMF is awaiting the employer’s revised draft Agreement.

Calvary Aged Care
The next bargaining meeting is scheduled for Thursday 14 September 2023.

The ANMF has sent the endorsed Log of Claims (LoC) to the employer.

Emmerton Park
The ANMF is preparing a LoC for a replacement Enterprise Agreement (EA).

Melaleuca Home for the Aged
The ANMF has provided member feedback to the employer.

Tandara Lodge
The LoC surveys’ are now closed. The ANMF is in the process of drafting a LoC which will be used as a discussion point for a new Agreement at the meeting which is scheduled for Friday 8 September 2023.

Updates correct as at 6 September 2023.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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