Latest news and updates from across the state
EA Updates
We are frequently updating information regarding enterprise agreements from private and aged care sites across Tasmania so our members can stay informed.
Regis Aged Care
The ANMF continues to negotiate on behalf of members for a new Enterprise Agreement (EA). The latest meeting was held on Tuesday 19 September 2023, following the meeting the ANMF will send a newsflash to members outlining any offer put forward by your employer. If you would like to discuss this, please contact Northern Organiser Nicki Hood via email at Nicki.Hood@anmftas.org.au.
Australian Red Cross Lifeblood
Following a mass online members meeting, covering the whole of the nation, Lifeblood members passed a motion that endorses the ANMF to continue bargaining in good faith with the employer. If the answers that the ANMF seeks on behalf of the members is not adequately answered then ANMF members will seek to take industrial action. If members have any questions, please contact Northern Organiser Nicki Hood via email at Nicki.Hood@anmftas.org.au.
Mary Ogilvy Home for the Aged
The ANMF attended an EA meeting on Tuesday 12 September 2023, and provided feedback from members to Mary Ogilvy after the ‘No’ vote to the draft Enterprise Agreement (EA) ballot was returned. Mary Ogilvy are considering the points put forward at this meeting.
Corumbene Nursing Home
EA negotiations have been delayed due to unforeseen circumstances. A meeting was held on Wednesday 20 September 2023, more details to follow.
Calvary Aged Care
Due to personal leave the bargaining meeting scheduled for Thursday 14 September 2023 was cancelled. The ANMF continues to work with the negotiating team to ensure your entitlements are preserved and will contact Workplace Representatives when the next bargaining meeting is set. Northern Organisers, Shane Rickerby and Nicki Hood will be in the workplace this week to discuss the new Enterprise Agreement (EA) negotiations.
Updates correct as at 21 September 2023.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary
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