Private Sector Updates – Statewide


Calvary Health Care North

The ANMF congratulates members for taking part in recent Industrial Action (IA). This has sent a clear message to Calvary Health Care Tasmanian executives that you will not stand by and place patient care at risk, the safest way is to have an enforceable minimum staffing level agreed to as soon as possible. The ANMF will meet with lead negotiators this week and remain hopeful that Calvary will agree to safe staffing minimums. IA will remain in place until this is agreed to. Members are encouraged to continue low level IA such as working to job statement, completing clinical/patient notes, refusing to do overtime, and taking all breaks on time. Northern Organiser, Nicki Hood will be in the workplace to discuss with members the next step in IA. If you have any concerns, please contact Nicki via email at


Calvary Health Care South

The ANMF congratulate Calvary members across both sites for continuing to undertake IA. The ANMF is visiting Lenah Valley and St John’s Hospitals to support members throughout the IA process. The ANMF is permitted to attend the dining room and tea rooms at both sites, however Calvary Health Care Tasmania has insisted the ANMF are escorted to the rooms. If any member would like a visit outside of these escorted walkarounds, please contact Southern Organiser, Jane Pond via email at

Updates correct as at 4 October 2023.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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