Public Sector Updates – North West

North West Regional Hospital (NWRH)

Surgical Ward Benchmarking

The ANMF has received the benchmarking data for 2022-2023 and notes there is an anomaly. Once the data is corrected the ANMF will organise a member meeting to present the updated figures and vote to endorse benchmarking.

Medical Ward, AMU, Med C Benchmarking and Step 2 Grievance

The ANMF met with Medical Ward members to discuss progress of outcomes for the previously raised workload concern. ANMF Medical Ward members continue to raise skill mix, rostering, and other workload concerns. The ANMF will escalate the concerns with Tasmanian Health Service (THS) senior management. ANMF members have reserved their right to pursue outcomes via the industrial process.

Renal Unit Step 2 Grievance

The ANMF met with members from the North West Renal Unit in November 2023, to seek feedback and to discuss the next steps regarding the Step 2 Grievance. Members are cognisant that resolution of the grievance in the main will be achieved through recruitment and that progress is being made. Members endorsed the ANMF to provide the THS with further feedback. Formal notification is in process.

Updates are correct as of 13 December 2023.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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