Public Sector Updates – South

Royal Hobart Hospital (RHH)

General Medical Unit (Ward K10E)

The ANMF, having conducted a member meeting on Tuesday 14 November 2023, has formally raised a Step One Workload and Staffing Grievance with Tasmanian Health Service (THS) management. The ANMF’s request for an interim solution of immediate closure of 4 beds was rejected by the THS in correspondence received on Friday 8 December 2023. The THS has requested an extension for their comprehensive response to Monday 18 December 2023, which the ANMF have granted. A member meeting on K10E has been scheduled for 1400hrs Tuesday 19 December 2023, with flyers having been distributed to this effect Tuesday 12 December 2023.

Aged Services Team

The ANMF has received a response from THS management regarding the perceived need to formally re-Benchmark Aged Services Team (AST) in alignment with in-progress Grievance outcomes and the nature/timeframes of the Aged Services Review and its specific implications for AST. The ANMF has subsequently conducted a member meeting Wednesday 13 December 2023, at which it was decided to allay any further action until the next meeting Wednesday 17 January 2023.

Department of Critical Care Medicine (DCCM)

The ANMF has written to THS management on Thursday 13 December 2023 to advise that Department of Critical Care Medicine (DCCM) members have once again voted against endorsement of the proposed Benchmarking outcomes for an 18-bed unit. The ANMF has suggested to the THS that a secondary Benchmarking meeting be convened in January 2024 to more efficiently progress these matters and we await their response.

Whittle Ward

On Tuesday 12 December 2023, the ANMF attended a Benchmarking meeting for Whittle Ward. While the THS’ proposed Benchmarking outcomes include retention of the status quo for nursing resources, there was significant discussion regarding an outstanding PTVE for increasing Extended Care Assistants (ECA) to work within the unit. The EDONM will raise this matter with the new RHH Director of Operations on Friday 15 December 2023 in the hope of progressing this case. The ANMF meanwhile has reached out to local Whittle Ward management seeking the earliest opportunity to meet with members to discuss these matters and take a vote as to whether the outcomes are endorsed/rejected.

Paediatrics (Ward K6)

On Monday 11 December 2023, the ANMF attended a Benchmarking meeting for the Paediatrics Unit (Ward K6), at which the THS presented their revised proposed outcomes for ongoing unit staffing. A member meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday 20 December 2023, to facilitate initial discussions around this, with a secondary meeting scheduled for Wednesday 10 January 2024, at which it is anticipated that the matter will be put to a vote.

Updates are correct as of 13 December 2023.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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