Public Sector Updates – North

Electronic Workload Form for Launceston General Hospital (LGH) Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Members

Responding to concerns raised by ANMF LGH ICU members regarding workload, skill mix, and redeployment, the ANMF has developed an electronic workload form. Members can now record their concerns in real-time, assisting the ANMF in understanding when workload issues occur. View the latest update where you can access the workload form. The form will remain open indefinitely.

Step 2 Workload Grievance with North Eastern Soldiers Memorial Hospital (NESMH) Members

On Monday 4 December 2023, the ANMF had a meeting with NESMH members to address the unresolved Step 2 Workload Grievance. View the latest update.

Change Proposal in Manager On-Call Arrangements for Mental Health Services North and North West

The ANMF has received a change proposal from the acting group director of Adult Mental Health Services North and North West regarding manager on-call arrangements. Members are encouraged to review the full update and participate in the member survey on the proposal.

Updates correct as at 11 January 2024.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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ANMF Media Release & Doorstop: ‘The ANMF Tasmania announces Aged Care Excellence Awards at conference in Hobart’

The ANMF Tasmania announces Aged Care Excellence Awards at conference in Hobart 15 May 2024 What: Media Doorstop When: TODAY 11.45am, Wednesday 15 May 2024 Who: ANMF Tas Branch Secretary Emily Shepherd and Attendees Where: C3 Convention Centre, [...]

Media Release: New Support Payments for Tasmanian Nursing and Midwifery Students

New Support Payments for Tasmanian Nursing and Midwifery Students Tuesday 7 May 2024 NEW SUPPORT PAYMENTS FOR TASMANIAN NURSING AND MIDWIFERY STUDENTS The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) Tasmanian Branch has welcomed the announcement by the Albanese [...]


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