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EA Updates

Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre
The ANMF has now drafted a Log Of Claims (LoC) which will need endorsement from members. The ANMF are proposing to meet members online via Teams/Zoom on Thursday 18 April 2024 at 1200hrs. Once necessary arrangements have been made, members will receive an invitation to this meeting where members will be invited to endorse the LoC. If you missed the LoC survey and you have a particular matter you would like to add to the LoC, please contact ANMF Northern Organiser Nicki Hood via email at

I-Med Radiology
The bargaining process has been a very protracted process following I-Med Radiology announcement they intended to combine three separate agreements into one covering the whole of the nation. We are waiting for I-Med to table their full offer so we can present the offer to our members seeking their feedback. The ANMF will contact members when the full offer has been presented for consideration.

Corumbene Nursing Home
The Corumbene General Enterprise Agreement (EA) voting process opened on Tuesday 2 April 2024, and closes at 1600hrs on Monday 15 April 2024. The voting is paper based. Please contact your manager if you have any questions regarding the voting process. The ANMF were notified by Corumbene that the Nurses EA was voted up. The ANMF will notify members when it is registered with the Fair Work Commission (FWC) and comes into effect.

Hobart Day Surgery
An EA meeting was held on Wednesday 3 April 2024 where member feedback was presented at the negotiations. Hobart Day Surgery has taken this feedback on notice. The next EA meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 23 April 2024.

Salvation Army Barrington Lodge
The second EA meeting was held on Tuesday 26 March 2024. View the latest update. The ANMF will be scheduling meetings to obtain direction from members. The next EA meeting has not been scheduled. The ANMF will continue to keep members informed.

Aged Care Deloraine
Negotiations for a replacement Enterprise Agreement (EA) have occurred with a draft offer presented to the ANMF. Concerns were raised by the ANMF regarding the wage offer and we have asked Aged Care Deloraine to provide further clarity. The next scheduled meeting will be Friday 12 April 2024.

Calvary Home Care
Negotiations have re-commenced for a new EA. As this will be a national agreement, the ANMF Tasmanian Branch will be negotiating alongside other ANMF branches for a singular agreement. Workplace Representatives and interested parties are invited to join the negotiations which will be held in paid time. The next scheduled meeting was held on Wednesday 3 April 2024.

Updates are correct as of 4 April 2024.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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