Latest news and updates from across the state

EA Updates

Regis Aged Care
The Regis Aged Care Enterprise Agreement was made with a majority members who cast a valid vote, voted up the agreement. The employer will now lodge the agreement in the Fair Work Commission (FWC).

Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre
The ANMF recently visited members to discuss a Log of Claims (LoC) and other workplace matters. We will return soon with an updated LoC. Keep an eye out for a meeting date and time.

Menarock, The Gardens
The Log of Claims (LoCs) member surveys are now closed. The ANMF will draft a LoC based on members feedback, then present members the LoC for endorsement.

Christian Homes Tasmania
Members are encouraged to complete the member survey to assist the ANMF in forming the LoC for the upcoming Enterprise Agreement (EA) negotiations.

Corumbene General Staff
The ANMF wishes to advise members that the Corumbene Nursing Home for the Aged Inc. General Agreement 2023 has been approved by the Fair Work Commission (FWC). The agreement will operate from Tuesday 4 June 2024 and the nominal expiry date is Sunday 30 June 2026.

Eskleigh Foundation
The ANMF has sent members a Log of Claims (LoC) survey. We encourage all Eskleigh members to complete this survey to assist with negotiations.

Emmerton Park
The LoC survey has now closed, and the ANMF will now draft a Log of Claims (LoC) for members endorsement.

Updates are correct as of 12 June 2024.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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