Public Sector Updates – North

Launceston General Hospital (LGH)

Ward 6D Benchmarking Update

The proposed 2024 Ward 6D benchmark did not produce and increase in Full Time Equivalent (FTE). The ANMF met with members to discuss, and members have not endorsed the Benchmarking due to the complexity of patients needing specialised medical or behavioural support necessitates nursing staff involvement beyond PSA or AIN duties.

Tasks like meal break coverage, leading emergency codes, and admission/discharge planning required by Associate Nurse Unit Managers (ANUMs) reduce direct care hours. Managing patients with challenging behaviours, those in negative pressure rooms, and COVID-19 positive patients, along with time-consuming nursing escorts and bedside education for early career nurses, further strain resources. Intensive 1:1 nursing care for acute stroke patients within the first 24 hours is critical.

Benchmarking data from units such as Ward 5D and Acute Medical Unit (AMU) show higher allocations of Category A patients compared to Ward 6D. The ANMF suggested reviewing the allocation of Category A patients for Ward 6D, as higher category DRGs often translate to high care needs, justifying a Nursing Hours per Patient Day (NHpPD) category allocation increase. The ANMF is waiting on the Tasmanian Health Service (THS) north to complete this review.

Ward 5D Benchmarking Update

Proposed fillable increase of 0.45 FTE, currently staffing to AM 10, PM 9, and ND 5. Increased FTE could allow for an AM 10, PM 10, and ND 5 or a 1000 to 1830 shift. Members expressed that the need for a clinical coach FTE remains critical, as the additional Benchmarked FTE is insufficient to manage the skill mix deficiency.

Members have requested that the ANMF escalate the outstanding 2023 Step 2 Grievance to Step 3. As a result, the ANMF urgently sought confirmation of THS management of the following:

  • Immediate addition of the 2024 benchmarked FTE to the baseline roster on a fixed term while developing a permanent FTE business case.
  • A date for approval of the 2023 Step 2 specialist panel recommendations and associated business cases.
  • Strategies to mitigate member workload if recommendations are not approved, including potential service reductions.
  • A response to these points by close of business Monday 27 May, 2024.

The ANMF is yet to receive a response. Members will now be consulted further on a plan for Industrial Action.

Updates are correct as of 27 June 2024.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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