Public Sector Updates – North West

Hospitals North West (HNW) Organisational Structure

The ANMF is seeking your feedback on proposed changes to HNW Governance and Organisational Structure.

HNW is proposing significant changes to its governance and organisational arrangements which will have a material impact on nursing and nursing positions. As valued members of the ANMF, your input is crucial ensuring the impacts of these changes are mitigated.

Proposed Changes Overview:
The proposed changes include:

  • Simplified executive tier and clearer stream structure.
  • Primary Health as a critical stream.
  • Clearer delineation of operational and professional roles.
  • Increased support for the chief executive office and quality and safety services.
  • More emphasis on the importance of quality and safety in the organisation.
  • Recognition of statewide partner services and their role in the regional services.
  • Acknowledgment of the North West as part of the statewide health system.

New positions and changes to existing roles are also part of the proposal of which there are changes in nursing grades to the detriment, combining portfolios that can potentially create unmanageable workloads.

North West Regional Hospital (NWRH) and Mersey Community Hospital (MCH)

Emergency Departments (EDs)

The ANMF, on behalf of members from North West EDs, raised nurses’ concerns in relation to patient searches in multiple forums. The ANMF and its members strongly believe that it is both inappropriate and dangerous for ANUMs to be tasked with conducting searches or pat downs for weapons on patients. This responsibility falls outside the scope of nursing duties and poses significant safety risks to our members. Nurses are trained healthcare professionals, not security personnel, and their focus should remain on providing care to patients rather than undertaking potentially hazardous security tasks. Read the full update.

North West Regional Hospital (NWRH)

Operating Theatre

The ANMF along with your ANMF Workplace Representatives met with Tasmanian Health Service (THS) management on Friday 17 July 2024 as part of the requirement to address the Step 2 Workload Grievance.

The Step 2 Grievance is a result of the 2021 benchmarking business case not being applied despite it being agreed as a resolution to previous step 1 workload grievances in 2021 and 2023. The other outstanding concern is the minimum ANUM FTE is not on the establishment. THS management advised that the Grade 5 increase to meet the Nurses and Midwives (Tasmanian State Service) Agreement 2023 has been approved in principle. The acting NUM committed to provide FTE figures and progress of the PTVE to the ANMF.

The ANMF was able to provide the date from 2019 that shows establishment of 35.25 FTE, with an increase needed of 7.5 FTE. In 2021 the establishment was 31.62 plus NUM 1.0 and flow manager 1.0. The figures presented today have FTE of 25.84. on the establishment with approx. 2.08 FTE vacant which can be advertised, a further 1.3 due to long term leave unable to be permanently advertised. As there are significant data discrepancies, the THS requested time to have the data reviewed. That time will also be used to review the benchmarking business case to ensure that it meets the needs of the operating suite given the time lapse since it was completed. The director of nursing advised that the step 2 grievance notification has been forwarded to the CEO and committed to meeting again with data on the Friday 2 August 2024. The ANMF and your workplace representatives will attend that meeting to represent your interests.

Updates are correct as of 24 July 2024.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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