Private Sector Updates – North

Eskleigh Foundation

Parties met for the first bargaining meeting on Tuesday 19 November 2024, strangely Eskleigh admitted they have yet to issue the NERRs which is typically sent to employees prior to any bargaining happening. Despite this, the ANMF spoke to your employer outlining why your Log of Claims (LoCs) are important to you. Eskleigh has noted this and has indicated they will have preliminary feedback for members when the parties next meet on Tuesday 17 December 2024. As negotiations occur the ANMF will keep members up to date through newsflash communications via email.

Calvary Home Care

It appears that negotiations have concluded, Calvary is preparing a draft agreement to present to the ANMF for a full review. Once this has happened the ANMF will inform members through newsflash communications via email, that will outline entitlements and benefits for members’ consideration.

Updates are correct as of 27 November 2024.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary.

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