Public Sector Updates – South

Royal Hobart Hospital (RHH)

Department of Critical Care Medicine (DCCM)

The ANMF has been making progress in negotiations with the Department to secure improved payment for each 12 and a half hour shift in the DCCM. View the latest update.

Midlands Multi-Purpose Centre

ANMF Organiser, Peter, visited the Oatlands site on Tuesday 19 November 2024, where a great number of members attended. The meeting covered several important topics, including:

  • District Hospitals in Tasmania Safe Staffing Model of Care (DHiTSS MOC): Peter provided an update on the rollout of the DHiTSS MOC. While this does not currently affect the Model of Care at Oatlands, it may have implications in the future.
  • ANMF Public Sector Campaign: Members were informed about the ongoing campaign and how they can continue to participate. Peter also outlined the next steps in the campaign.
  • ANMF Centenary Celebrations: The ANMF’s centenary celebrations were highlighted, with members encouraged to scan the QR code on promotional flyers to enter the raffle. Several items of ANMF merchandise, including pens and retractable badge holders, were available.
  • Other Business:
    • EHR Project: A discussion was held regarding the new policy to introduce follow-up calls for emergency patients, along with the use of stickers for ticking boxes. Several members raised concerns about this policy. The ANMF has listened to members’ feedback and expressed these concerns to MMPC management. The ANMF is working to gain further clarity on the policy’s background and to provide education on its purpose and value.

The meeting concluded with a commitment to keep members informed and to continue advocating on their behalf.

New Norfolk District Hospital

The ANMF visited New Norfolk District Hospital on Monday 11 November 2024. During the meeting, the rollout of the District Hospitals in Tasmania Safe Staffing Model of Care (DHiTSS MOC) was discussed. NNDH is in the process of recruiting additional Carer Full-Time Equivalents (FTEs) to meet the staffing targets outlined in the DHiTSS model.

Both members and the ANMF will continue to monitor developments, particularly in relation to how the changes might affect the day shift skill mix and overall roster.

Two years ago, the ANMF successfully ran a grievance to secure additional staffing for the NNDH roster. If members feel it is necessary, the ANMF is prepared to pursue similar action again to address staffing concerns.

Repatriation Wards P1, P2, P3 and Whittle Ward

The ANMF conducted walkarounds on the Repatriation Wards (P1, P2, P3, and Whittle Ward) on Monday 18 November 2024. During the visit, the focus was on promoting the ANMF Campaign and the Centenary Raffle, as well as engaging with staff to discuss various matters on the wards.

Updates are correct as of 27 November 2024.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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