Private Sector Updates – North

Calvary Hospitals North

The ANMF has received concerning reports from members at Calvary St Vincent and St Luke’s campuses. An ANMF organiser has been in contact with some members to ascertain the depth of these concerns and will work closely with members to see if matters can be addressed as quickly as possible. Northern organiser Nicki will be in both workplaces next Tuesday 11 March 2025. Members will receive a text and /or email with a notice regarding the member meetings.

Eskleigh Foundation

The ANMF wrote to Eskleigh raising concerns from members around the restructure of nursing care at Eskleigh. Further concerns were raised directly to Eskleigh by our members, a response to these concerns is yet to be received.

Updates are correct as of 6 March 2025.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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