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Update: Workload Concerns

28 November 2018

ANMF met with members at the Royal Hobart Hospital (RHH) ward 7A to discuss concerns with fluctuating levels of patient acuity and subsequent workload concerns.

ANMF understands the in-charge nurse is regularly required to assist with patient care when patient acuity increases or to assist with covering sick leave or meal breaks. ANMF members believe the use of Assistants in Nursing (AIN’s), as has been trialled on the unit, would be an appropriate solution for the unit.

ANMF understand a previous business case for AIN’s was refused by the Tasmanian Health Service (THS), however, ANMF have had a verbal confirmation that 7A can access AIN’s on an as need basis.

ANMF will write to RHH executive for further clarification.