Enterprise Agreement Updates
We are frequently updating information regarding enterprise agreements from private and aged care sites across Tasmania so our members can stay informed. Due to the situation with COVID-19 many negotiations have been delayed, this update is therefore quite short.
Calvary has requested that negotiations be postponed temporarily.
Southern Cross Care
The meeting scheduled for April 6 was deferred due to COVID-19. The employer has indicated that they will provide a response shortly that can be taken to members.
Australian Red Cross Blood Service
A further meeting is scheduled for Thursday 16 April.
Respect Aged Care
ANMF attended the first bargaining meeting on Tuesday 31 March. The meeting was productive with ANMF presenting the members Log of Claim. Respect will now consider the LOC and provide a written response. On receipt of this response ANMF will provide a further update to members.
South East Community Care
The CEO has been contacted and it is anticipated that meeting will occur in the near future.
Healthscope nurses
Following substantial feedback from members through the survey, a log of claims has been prepared by the ANMF. This log will shortly be provided electronically to members with a member survey seeking endorsement.
Glenview nurses
The ANMF are still waiting on a draft from the employer.
Hobart Clinic
The access period to vote for the new agreement is now open. Once the ballot is finalised the ANMF will advise members of the outcome.
The ANMF are waiting on a response from the employer in relation to commencing negotiations.
Salvation Army nurses
The ANMF have written to the employer raising some concerns.
Menarock The Gardens nurses
The next meeting is scheduled for 21 April 2020 via teleconference.
May Shaw Swansea Nursing and General Staff
The ANMF is still awaiting a response from May Shaw management for the provision of draft agreements.
The agreement has been lodged with the Fair Work Commission. The employer has been asked to provide undertakings in support of the agreement
May Shaw Scottsdale General Staff
The FWC has requested that May Shaw make undertakings in respect of the new agreement. This is to ensure the agreement meets the Better of Overall Test (BOOT) in relation to the Award. The undertaking will apply to the following; Clause 21(a) Span of hours, Clause (38 (c) Afternoon Shift loadings and Clause 11 (c) Recall. ANMF will provide further details once May Shaw have submitted their undertaking to fix these clauses.
May Shaw Scottsdale Nursing Agreement
ANMF have now reviewed a copy of the proposed Enterprise Agreement and confirm that it appears to include the agreed changes. We have requested the employer provide the ANMF with a current wages schedule to ensure the agreement reflects the agreed pay rates and allowances. Click here to read the latest ANMF Newsflash for a summary of the new Agreement.
Eye Hospital
ANMF have corresponded with CURA’s bargaining representative and are now waiting on dates for the agreement to be put to ballot.
Medea Park
The ANMF have corresponded with Medea Park regarding the draft agreement presented to ANMF for review. ANMF is waiting on response from Medea Park in relation to the issues raised. Further updates to follow. Read more in the latest EA update here.
Eskleigh Nurses
The ANMF have reviewed the draft agreement and is completing a final check on the wages schedule before asking Eskleigh management to provide dates for a potential ballot. Click here to read more in the latest ANMF Newsflash.
Eskleigh Non-Nurses
The ANMF are awaiting a response from the Bargaining Agent who was appointed to deal with this process.
Tandara General Staff Agreement
The Employer has requested delaying the commencement of bargaining until mid-May due to COVID-19. Further updates to follow once the first bargaining meeting has occurred.
Updates correct as at 16 April 2020.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary