
Support: Nurse & Midwife Support


We stand with you.

To all the nurses and midwives in Tasmania: Thank you for the incredible work you are doing caring for Tasmanians in extraordinary circumstances. It is truly above and beyond.

We have heard with concern about the issues in the North West of Tasmania and want you to know YOU have our full support. Nurse & Midwife Support is here to support you.

If you don’t know about us we are the national- 24/7 support service for nurses, midwives and students. The service is anonymous, confidential and free and you can contact us anytime for any issue you need support for: 1800 667 877 OR Contact us via the website www.nmsupport.org.au

This podcast and COVID-19 information has been developed to support you: https://www.nmsupport.org.au/resources/podcasts/dealing-stress-during-crisis-sam-eddy

Please take care and take some time to look after YOU.


Mark Aitken

Consultant & Stakeholder Engagement Manager Registered Nurse

Nurse & Midwife Support



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