Public Sector Updates – South

Royal Hobart Hospital (RHH)

Maternity Services

The ANMF recently conducted a survey of all members working at the Royal Hobart Hospital (RHH) Maternity Services regarding ongoing developments relating to the Nursing Hours per Patient Day (NHpPD) Workload and Staffing Grievance, with specific reference to outcomes attained via the Tasmanian Industrial Commission (TIC). From this survey it can be concluded that whilst members have expressed their acceptance of these outcomes as a resolution to the Grievance, there continues to be a significant factor of misunderstanding at play regarding what the outcomes mean in concise, simplistic terms. To this end, the ANMF has negotiated with local management to run another member meeting for the sake of explaining the intricacies of the outcomes to interested members. This will occur 22 October 2021, with a separate member meeting flyer to come closer to that date.

Neonatal and Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (NPICU)

The ANMF on Monday 20 September 2021 attended an initial Step Two Grievance Specialist Panel meeting in the company of delegates and members to advocate on identified Workload and Staffing issues within the unit – specifically the need for re-Benchmarking and a more expansive response to individual points of concern as raised in the initial Step One Grievance letter of 15 July 2021. This meeting was robust and served to refine the list of issues for redress, with Tasmanian Health Service (THS) outlining several pieces of work being undertaken in earnest to address the perceived discrepancies. A meeting was also held on the unit to feedback to NPICU members Wednesday 29 September 2021. At this meeting it was agreed that the ANMF will draft and publish a survey for any/all members to complete at their leisure within a 2–3-week window so as to better identify how broadly/strongly the matters raised are felt by the entire membership. This will be forthcoming ASAP and will be accompanied by an email communication and promotion within NPICU itself.

Post Anaesthetic Recovery Unit (PARU)

The ANMF conducted a member meeting in RHH – Post Anaesthetic Recovery Unit (PARU) on 23 September 2021 as an opportunity to take general member feedback on any/all aspects of clinical/operational concern within the unit. This generated strong discussion and thankfully most issues were able to be addressed on the spot, however the ANMF has pledged to publish a Newsflash providing members with the most up to date information regarding COVID-19 leave and Short Shift Change penalty entitlements as a follow-up action.

Main Theatres

On Thursday 23 September 2021, the ANMF attended a Step Two Grievance update meeting regarding RHH – Main Theatres. At this meeting the THS informed that in line with the recently adopted/updated Australian College of Perioperative Nurses (ACORN) standards the newly devised staffing E-Tool had demonstrated that the current Establishment of 119.18 Full Time Equivalents (FTE) direct care staff would need to be increased to 139.20 FTE, an increase of 20.02 FTE. This is a significant outcome for Main Theatres by way of the Grievance procedure, with ancillary benefits related to increased staffing anticipated in the broader Perioperative precinct, taking the total gains to approx. 28 FTE. A separate email will be circulated in relation to these outcomes, with a member meeting to follow once the associated business cases have been formally approved and the establishment officially updated.

Updates correct as at 14 October 2021.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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