North West Private Hospital Nurses Take Industrial Action

26 September 2024

Media Door Stop: 11am, Thursday, 26 September 2024
Where: 21 Brickport Road Burnie (Car Park North West Private Hospital)
Who: ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary, Emily Shepherd and North West Private Hospital ANMF Delegate

The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (Tasmanian Branch) is calling on Healthe Care to return to the negotiating table and improve the offer for North West Private Hospital Nurses as they commence industrial action today, Thursday, September.

ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary Emily Shepherd said while there has been progress on the work hours from Healthe Care that will assist members’ concerns in relation to their workloads, members are concerned of the ability to staff wards and units when the wages package does not compare with other sectors and interstate in an extremely competitive market for nurses.

“Members last received a 2.5% wage increase on July 1, 2023, but this has already left them significantly behind the rising cost of living,” Ms Shepherd said.

“The ANMF has been negotiating with Healthe Care to secure an agreement that addresses the significant challenges around recruiting and retaining nurses.

“However, Healthe Care’s current wage offer of 3.5% in the first year, 3.25% in the second year, and 3% in the third year falls short. This offer risks driving more nurses to leave for better-paying jobs elsewhere, where benefits such as higher allowances and salary sacrifice options are available. Members are seeking a minimum wage increase of 5% per year to ensure they remain competitive in the nursing market.”

Ms Shepherd said Healthe Care is a large organisation with 17 hospitals across the country.

“Our members are calling for a fair wage package that will allow them to remain competitive while attracting and retaining nurses in their current roles.

“Members will today commence industrial action by sharing key messages to patients and their families and by wearing campaign materials within their workplace to highlight this key message within the North West Private Hospital.

“Industrial action was supported by the overwhelming majority of members and will continue until Healthe Care puts forward an offer that supports our members but importantly safe patient care.

“It’s deeply disappointing Healthe Care has refused to revise what they claim is their final wage offer and is instead pushing it to a vote.

“Failing to present a wage package that acknowledges the dedication of staff and addresses the urgent need to future-proof their workforce amid the current recruitment and retention crisis is short-sighted.”


Media contact:
Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary
Mobile: 0400 884 021

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