Royal Hobart Hospital Maternity Services
9 January 2025
The ANMF today welcomed the Final Report of the Independent Investigation of Royal Hobart Hospital Maternity Services.
ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary Emily Shepherd said the Department had accepted all 38 recommendations and committed to implementing them in full.
“The Independent Panel has confirmed the vast majority of issues our members have raised,” Ms Shepherd said.
“But given the sheer volume of recommendations, there is clearly much more work to be done to both effect them and make the much needed to improvements for staff, women and babies.
“The ANMF calls on the State Government to support the recommendations with adequate funding and resourcing to ensure the widespread system changes are achieved.”
Ms Shepherd said some of the key recommendations included:
General staffing principles 1. The Tasmanian Health Service to collaborate with the Office of the Chief Nurse and Midwife to develop a set of operational principles to be used to allocate staff in each area across the inpatient maternity service regardless of chosen methodology to determine staffing profile.
Early career midwives and staffing profile 6.7. Royal Hobart Hospital must develop a clear understanding of full-time equivalent shortfall and proactively recruit even if these means temporarily going over their allocated full-time equivalent. Royal Hobart Hospital to develop business rules for the existing tool that is used to calculate and monitor: 4 The Full Time Equivalent required, inclusive of leave entitlements, an allowance for unplanned leave, professional development and other enterprise bargaining agreement entitlements 4 The vacancy rates 4 The recruitment target.
Emergency equipment 23. The maternity unit to develop a checklist and audit tool that is attached to each of the emergency trolleys to enable streamlined daily checking 4 Results of the audits be displayed in a graph form in the staff base and be included in maternity unit monthly meetings 4 Audit results be included in the Women’s and Children’s Services Quality and Safety Committee meetings.
Midwifery leadership and culture 27. The Tasmanian Health Service to ensure those appointed to leadership roles undertake the leadership programs offered by the Department of Health and have regular supervision or mentorship. 28. The Royal Hobart Hospital to review the structure of the midwifery services with specific consideration given to separating the management accountability of the ambulatory and inpatient services.
Development of other staffing models 36. The Office of the Chief Nurse and Midwife to develop a role statement and way of working for the Registered Nurse and the Midwife team within the maternity unit. 37. The Office of the Chief Nurse and Midwife to develop a role for the Registered Nurse in the care of unqualified neonates managed in the ward and this be considered for implementation in Tasmanian Health Service maternity services.
Emily Shepherd,
ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary
Media contact:
Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary
Mobile: 0400 884 021