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Royal Hobart Hospital (RHH) Updates

3 April 2019

Assessment and Planning Unit (APU)
The ANMF conducted a member meeting in the Royal Hobart Hospital (RHH) Assessment and Planning Unit (APU) on Tuesday 26 March. The meeting was a great opportunity for new Southern Organiser James King to introduce himself to staff and develop a greater understanding of the ward’s day-to-day business and methods. Member input has since been relayed back to management as general advice – any members working in the unit who were unable to attend the meeting who wish to relay their own thoughts and experiences can contact James at james.king@anmftas.org.au.

The ANMF met with members on 2A on 3rd April. At this meeting, members raised issues of ward security and workloads. ANMF will meet with 2A management and follow up in writing soon. We will inform members of the outcomes as soon available.

The ANMF held a meeting on 7A on Wednesday 13th March. We understand that workloads remain a concern on 7a and that a new grad position will be commencing soon. In the meantime, management are able to access an AIN as needed.

RHH Paeds
Unfortunately, due to the scheduled mass member meeting, the ANMF have had to rebook their meeting on the unit that was due tomorrow (Friday 5th April). We will advise ASAP of the next meeting date.

Upcoming Members Meetings
ANMF have booked and look forward to member meetings in the following location:

  • Mass Member Meeting – to the side of the RHH Liverpool entrance
    Friday 5 April at 1430hrs

All members working in these services are welcome and encouraged to attend.