Aged Care: statewide updates
24 July 2019
Aged Care visits
The ANMF Communications & Engagement Officer (Mandy) has been out and about to several facilities over the last couple of weeks, hosting morning and afternoon teas for members and potential new members. These morning and afternoon teas are an opportunity for members to liase with the ANMF, talk about the highlights of working in Aged Care, industry news and their workplace concerns.
During these recent visits, members raised concerns including workloads, overtime being worked without payment and staff shortages. Enterprise Agreements were also discussed, including the reason we have Enterprise Agreements, the process of how an Agreement is negotiated and how important it is to have members input into the process to ensure we are in a strong position to negotiate the best outcome.
The ANMF met with management on 15 July 2019 and we are pleased to announce that the employer has agreed to enter into negotiations for a Nursing Staff Agreement and a General Staff Agreement. This is an exciting opportunity for our Glenview members to negotiate with the employer to improve their pay and conditions for the first time in more than a decade. We look forward to providing updates to our wider membership as we work with our Glenview members towards an agreement that recognises their hard work and dedication both now and into the future.
Tasmanian Aboriginal Corporation
The bargaining team met on 18 July 2019 where it was agreed that Tasmanian Aboriginal Corporation management will draft a document summarising the position reached during negotiations (including the reasoning) for distribution to all staff. The summary document will be circulated for feedback and comment. Depending on the outcome of that process, a decision will be made on whether the bargaining team will meet again, or a final draft is put out to ballot. It is hoped the process will be finalised by the end of September 2019. On behalf of ANMF members, we wish to thank workplace representative Emma Shanahan for her hard work and dedication throughout the negotiation process to date.
Masonic Care – Fred French and Peace Haven
The ANMF met with members at Fred French and Peace Haven last week to discuss industrial and professional concerns. Members were updated on the progress of the Enterprise Agreement negotiations. The next meeting with MCT management to progress these is scheduled on 31 July 2019. Members raised concerns regarding workloads and have committed to completing the ANMF workload data form when such workload incidents occur. The ANMF will collate this data and feedback to management areas of high concern for resolution. Members also expressed concern regarding the out of service overhead tracks that operate the lifting equipment, the estimated timeline for these to be fixed and extended handover times and payment for these. The ANMF has raised these issues with management and are currently waiting on a formal response.
OneCare Umina Park
The ANMF North West Organiser met with OneCare Executive Director Peter Williams to follow up member concerns on 4 July 2019. The ANMF has been provided with written response to member concerns. A meeting will be organised to provide members with feedback.
The ANMF has received a response from the Melaleuca Chief Executive Officer addressing member concerns about workload issues. ANMF representative Nicki Hood continues to collate evidence of workload issues. With the opening of additional beds and the increase in nursing and caring hours, concerns around resident care have been partly alleviated. Evidence collected to date indicated that members are continuing to undertake unpaid and unrecognised overtime to complete routine tasks including documentation, counting of drugs and handover. Nicki will continue to monitor the situation and a member meeting will be scheduled. Meanwhile, members are encouraged to claim overtime in line with the agreement. The ANMF Member Support Team are available on 1800 001 241 to provide help in the event claims are not approved.