22 August 2019

The Royal Commission  into Aged Care Quality and Safety is coming to Hobart! The Hobart hearing will be held from 11-15 November 2019. During this time, the enquiry will look into the operations of selected approved providers that operate residential aged care facilities in the state as well as other areas in Australia.

Prior to this visit, the topic of aged care regulation will be addressed at the August hearing in Brisbane. Following this, over September and October hearings will be held in Melbourne. During these sittings enquiries will be made into younger people in residential aged care, diversity in aged care, and the aged care workforce.

The voice of the ANMF has been strong throughout proceedings to date. This includes submissions from our own Federal Secretary, Annie Butler. Annie gave evidence at the February hearing, while three ANMF members testified during the May hearing. In addition, some 2,775 employees working in aged care across Australia, responded to the ANMF National Aged Care Survey. This data has been used to inform ANMF written submissions for the Royal Commission.

The ANMF will continue to contribute at each stage of the Royal Commission proceedings. It is our objective to ensure the Commissioner hears the voices of our aged care members as they work towards developing recommendations to address the current crisis.

Please note that guidance on how to make a submission to the Royal Commission can be found on the Royal Commission website Submissions page.

If you (individually or as a group) would like to make a submission the member support team are happy to review your draft and provide advice.  Please allow plenty of time for the review before the submission date.  Member Support can be contacted on membersupport@anmftas.org.au